I recently bought myself a new bracelet. Im a traveller deep down, and so i think its in my dna to want to adorn my wrists with colourful bits of string. when i saw these ones though, i felt like they were a little more relevant. im not very religious (non-practising catholic) but when i go to buddhist countries i always feel a bit more of a connection to the religion than i ever really do to my own. the philosophies, the karma, devotion, the ethics and meditation. then when i was in nepal hiking to base camp everest, i found it really moving watching the locals pray to the mountains, praying to mother nature, praying to keep them safe whilst hiking in beautiful yet often dangerous surroundings. to me that was real. more real than my own religion. more real than a god somewhere out there who created mother nature. so anyway these bracelets... they are inspired by ancient eastern philosophies.
"chakras are the manifestation of spiritual energies on the physical level." so i bought the red one, the base chakra. i guess you could call it the first one, as the theory behind it is that you wear it and it reminds you consciously or subconsciously of how you want to live your life. this first bracelet aims to give you grounding, stability and prosperity. all of which i think id like quite a lot more of.
some of you may think im talking rubbish, but those of you who dont, heres where you can get your own... www.daisyjewellery.com
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