just got back from seeing tom ford's a single man, my friends found it slow, but i just thought the entire thing was crazily beautiful. gutted that colin firth didnt walk away with the oscar because he was incredible. i loved the cinematography...close ups on the eyes and lips, the colour cast changing in different scenes, julianne moore doing her makeup in the convex mirror, the focus going out until the picture blurs and the scene changes, colin firth in the water, the black and white scenes with matthew goode where its shot into the sun, the grain, i love the grain. and then theres the set. wow. so perfectly in that era, his beautiful house, the palm leaves in vases, julianne moores house with the orangery that they have to walk through to get to the main part of the house, her dressing room table, the fabrics, the shag pile carpet, the glass ware they drink out of, the glasses they all wear (i wish i had bad vision, i want them) the clocks and the cars... i cant stop thinking about it! here are some pics...

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