new girl crush: amber heard is ridiculously beautiful in 'the rum diary.' her makeup, clothes, tan... its pretty much how i wish i looked like (christmas party diet starts now...)
plus she gets to pash my man JD...
also... who doesnt love a vajazzled turtle (now the only item on my crimbo list)
we went to see the de kooning exhibition at the moma on a rainy morning when we were in NYC. i loved this painting 'asheville' but struggling to find a poster/print anywhere for sale. dammit!
went to see 'drive' last week, which not only renewed my love of ryan gosling, it also got me thinking of the upcoming oscar noms. this film has got to have a few in there, in particular: best actor. ps love the 80's vibe in it (note the neon pink type on the poster) and the soundtrack is awesome!
and heres a bit of ryan for your sunday afternoon...