i loving this summers trend of neon brights, and im loving this fashion shoot in elle even more. its looks like cross-processed film, and the model has inspired me to get more piercings in my ears!
I just bought a clock! its the coolest design out there, and in fact has been for years. i designed my bro a tshirt for his 18th bday party with this clock on it (that was 7 years ago). get yours at habitat.co.uk.
one thing that i love about my house here right now is the bathroom. its so new and clean. it has underfloor heating. the colours are flattering. its not damp or icky. its classy but not too hotel-like. basically when i move, i want to make sure i have something similar! theres nothing worse than having a bathroom that you dont even want to let your clothes touch the floor. the pics below ive had on my desktop for months and will provide me with some pretty good inspiration!
cactus' with natural wood, rolltop baths, marble, collected items around the bath or across the walls, chandeliers, statement walls, black & white and lots of gorgeous smellys and fancy bottles!
i had nothing to do and noone to hang out with last night, so i took myself to the cinema (its not like you talk to people in there anyway!!), and after seeing this trailer i felt inspired. the thing is recently ive had a lot on my mind, and so when i saw this preview for ridley scotts new film i felt almost overwhelmed and teary. theres something almost part of my soul that makes me see the world as this massive place just waiting to be explored, and travelled. and whether its a good thing or a bad thing, but when im going through tough times, i find that getting on a plane is the only way i can solve them. and so this film made me remember of everything thats out there, and to love, fear and hope. now im starting to make plans, and starting to pick countries and researching flights. and some people may think im running away, but to me its just my life one step at a time.
thanks kate and wills!! pretty much the whole of the uk went wedding crazy, and with an extra day off and a 4 day weekend to look forward to, we decided to throw a royal wedding garden party... which turned into a whole day shindig!
now with all the wedding talk and every girl in the world giving kate a thumbs up for the mcqueen dress, you cant not think a little about your own wedding fantasies. here are a few of my own...