have spent a couple of lazy saturdays and sundays rummaging around carboot sales (hanwell/battersea/sunbury). If you can see past the formica and the smelly clothes and the strange people who you are buying from, then there are some right gems. Im pretty happy with the selection of things ive found recently, and i only spent £20 on all the things below! bargain bargain bargain!

dried coral thats weirdly shaped in a sort of heart shape!

an old mirror that im going to sand a little at the back. i love the tarnished effect and think it will look cool on the wall even just as a piece of artwork rather than a mirror.

vintage french jar.

gold broach.

an old wine making jar that im going to use to collect pennies and £2 coins!

black skull candle that are currently being sold in the goodge street paperchase for £70.

gold leopard slinky belt!