currently dying for a weekend in vegas, just dont know how to get the money together or the people together... just wish id gone to this place when i was last there! photos by pam sattler and you can see all her vegas pics on her flickr or check out the official website
ive always been a bit obsessed with trees when i have a camera in my hand on holiday...and then today i came across these... Untitled #1 2008 32" x 25" Graphite, Film, Resin Triple Structure 2009 21" x 14" Graphite, Tape, Resin Untitled #3 2008 24" x 14" Graphite, Tape, Resin
came across this blog, and this particular post teaches you how to get that perfect messy bun like all the cool girls wear... dammit why is my hair too short!!
one good thing about working at a fashion magazine, and doing lots of picture research for the trends report is that you get to know whats 'in' before everyone else catches on! i cant afford to actually go out and buy anything but its always good inspiration to dig deep into your wardrobe and theres usually always things you can recycle! so the theme for spring/summer 2010.... girly/sporty/pastels/ruffles/grecian/with a bit of denim and military because really they never go out do they!? these looks caught my eye... gorgeous gorgeous Stella Valentino Jonathon Saunders Lanvin Givency Cavalli VB Burberry Balmain - there's demi's dress! Chanel Donna Karen photos from Marie Claire uk
films i like the look of... Marie Antoinette the genius that is Pirates of the Caribbean The Golden Compass Harry Potter The chronicles of Narnia: the lion, the witch and the wardrobe 2005
went to see the anish kapoor exhibition at the royal academy, and this was my favourite...Anish Kapoor, ‘Yellow’, 1999. Fibreglass and pigment, 6 x 6 x 3 m. Courtesy of the artist and Lisson Gallery, London. Installed at the Royal Academy of Arts, London, 2009